[organized by] Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Policy Research Institute Ministry of Finance, Japan, Korea Institute for International Economic PolicyPolicy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance[2007]<DC144-B52>
Cosponsored by Information Processing Society of Japan, Korea Information Sciense Society ; In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems... [et al.] ; with support from Telecommunications Advancement Foundation ... [et al.]IEEE Computer Societyc1998
Office of International Research and Development Cooperation, Geological Survey of Japan, Korea Institute of Energy and Resources [編][Office of International Research and Development Cooperation]1984.3
von Graf E. zu Reventlow ; nebst einer Beschreibung von Japan, Korea, Russisch-Asien u. einer Geschichte dieser Länder von H. DöringInternationaler Welt-Verlag1905-1906