TedElliott/screenplay ; TerryRossio/screenplay ; StuartBeattie./screenstory ; JayWolpert./screenstory ; IreneTrimble/adapted ; DianaEastment/retoldPearson Education2008
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- Author Heading...tuart, Beattie Jay, Wolpert Irene, Trimble Diana, Eastmen...
TedElliott [原著・キャラクター原案] ; TerryRossio [原著・キャラクター原案] ; KarenHolmes [再話] ; StuartBeattie [キャラクター原案] ; JayWolpert [キャラクター原案] ; JerryBruckheimer [映画制作] ; GoreVerbinski [監督]Pearson Education Limited2009
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- Author Heading...tuart, Beattie Jay, Wolpert Jerry, Bruckheimer Gore, Verb...
adapted by Irene Trimble ; based on the screenplay by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and screen story by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and Stuart Beattie and Jay Wolpert ; based on Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, directed by Gore Verbinski ; retold by Diana EastmentPearson Education2008, c2007
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adapted by Irene Trible ; based on the screenplay written by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio ; based on characters created by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and Stuart Beattie and Jay Wolpert ; based on Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean produced by Jerry Bruckheimer ; directed by Gore VerbinskiDisney Press2006
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adapted by Irene Trimble ; based on the screenplay by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and screen story by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and Stuart Beattie and Jay Wolpert ; based on Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, directed by Gore Verbinski ; retold by Diana EastmentPearson Education2008
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