小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUProceedings of SAINT 2004 Workshops2004Proceedings of SAINT 2004 Workshopsp.612-615
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山下, 真, Yamashita, Makoto, 福田, 光浩, Fukuda, Mituhiro, 藤澤, 克樹, Fujisawa, Katsuki, 小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZU, 中田, 和秀, Nakata, KazuhideJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc2006Parallel Combinatorial Optimization (El-G. Talbi, Ed.), Chapter 9
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- Author Heading...Katsuki 小島, 政和 KOJIMA, MASAKAZU 中田, 和秀 Nakata, Kazuhide
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUMathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore2002Mathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singaporep.283-284
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- Author Heading小島, 政和 KOJIMA, MASAKAZU
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUMathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore2002Mathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singaporep.285-295
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小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUApproximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems, P. M. Pardalos, Editor, Kluwer Academic Press2000Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems, P. M. Pardalos, Editor, Kluwer Academic Pressp.489-510
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- Author Heading小島, 政和 KOJIMA, MASAKAZU
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUApplications and Algorithms of Complementarity (M. C. Ferris, O. L. Mangasarian and J.-S. Pang, Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers2000Applications and Algorithms of Complementarity (M. C. Ferris, O. L. Mangasarian and J.-S. Pang, Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishersp.317-340
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- Author Heading小島, 政和 KOJIMA, MASAKAZU
藤澤, 克樹, Fujisawa, Katsuki, 福田, 光浩, Fukuda, Mituhiro, 小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZU, 中田, 和秀, Nakata, KazuhideSpringer2000High Performance Optimization (Frenk, H., Roos, K., Terlaky, T., Zhang, S. Eds.), Chapter 11
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- Author Heading藤澤, 克樹 Fujisawa, Katsuki 福田, 光浩 Fukuda, Mituhiro 小島, 政和 KOJIMA, MASAKAZU 中田, 和秀 Nakata, Kazuhide
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUSpringer-Verlag1991Springer-Verlag
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小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUProgress in Mathematical Programming1989Progress in Mathematical Programming
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小島, 政和, 東京工業大学1997-1998<Y151-H09680418>
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小島政和 [ほか]著朝倉書店2001.9<MA216-G52>
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小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUAnalysis and Computation of Fixed Points1980Analysis and Computation of Fixed Points
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- Author Heading小島, 政和 KOJIMA, MASAKAZU
小島, 政和, 東京工業大学1991-1992<Y151-H03832017>
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