Search results 5
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Includes papers of a symposium held in the Katholische Akademie Schwerte, Apr. 27-29, [1979].
- Author HeadingDrews, Jörg. Katholische Akademie Schwerte.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...mposium of the Katholische Akademie Schwerte, held Oct. 1-3, 1992 Includes...
- Author HeadingSeeliger, Hans Reinhard Katholische Akademie Schwerte
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) held in the Katholische Akademie Schwerte, Apr. 27-29, 1979 Includes bi...
- Author HeadingDrews, Jörg Katholische Akademie Schwerte
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...0, 1980 at the Katholische Akademie Schwerte, and organized......s Unna and the Katholische Akademie Schwerte Includes bibliographical refe...
- Author Heading...s Kreises Unna Katholische Akademie Schwerte
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...onsored by the Katholische Akademie Schwerte and the Landesarbeitsgemeinsc...
- Author HeadingKaufmann, Franz Xaver Katholische Akademie Schwerte Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der...