デヴィッド・J・ウォード 著, コリン・キーツ, デヴィッド・J・ウォード 写真, 相場大佑, 椎野勇太, 塚腰実, 中島保寿 監訳, 喜多直子 訳創元社2023.2<ME2-M38>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Dorling Kindersley1991.<Y11-A293>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingRoyston, Angela, 1945- Keates, Colin. Cradock-Watson, Jane. Hopkins...
シリル・ウォーカー, デビッド・ウォード著 ; コリン・キーツ写真日本ヴォーグ社1996.1
Other Libraries in Japan
Cyril Walker & David Ward ; photography by Colin KeatesDorling Kindersley1992
Other Libraries in Japan
written by David Norman and Angela Milner ; [special photography by Colin Keates]Knopf : Distributed by Randon House1989
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Alex Arthur ; [special photography, Andreas von Einsiedel, Dave King, Colin Keates]Knopf : Distributed by Random House1989
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Paul Whalley ; [special photography, Colin Keates, Dave King, and Kim Taylor]Knopf : Distributed by Random House1988
Other Libraries in Japan
written by R.F. Symes and the staff of the Natural History Museum, London ; [special photography, Colin Keates and Andreas Einsiedel]Knopf1988
Other Libraries in Japan
text by Peter Whitehead ; photographs by Colin KeatesS./P. Wilson in association with British Museum (Natural History)1981
Other Libraries in Japan