キング, ピーターAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations2023-09Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Reportp.267-285
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キング, ピーターInstitute for Global Environmental Strategies2023-11p.not provided-
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キング, ピーター, 河津, 恵鈴Association of Southeast Asian Nations2023-09Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Reportp.5-18
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キング, ピーター, エルダー, マーク, 河津, 恵鈴Association of Southeast Asian Nations2023-09Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Reportp.245-265
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エルダー, マーク, キング, ピーター, 河津, 恵鈴Association of Southeast Asian Nations2023-09Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Reportp.1-4
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エルダー, マーク, キング, ピーター, 河津, 恵鈴Association of Southeast Asian Nations2023-09Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Reportp.287-300
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キング, ピーター, マダー, アンドレ デレク, Furukawa, KeitaAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations2023-09Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Reportp.111-131
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アップルビー, ドウェイン, 渡部, 厚志, バオ, ファン ンゴク, 毛, 彩霞, キング, ピーター, Le Xuan Thinh, Dinh Manh ThangSWITCH Asia2022-11p.not provided-
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アップルビー, ドウェイン, 渡部, 厚志, バオ, ファン ンゴク, 毛, 彩霞, キング, ピーター, Le Xuan Thinh, Dinh Manh ThangSWITCH-Asia2022-11p.not provided-
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キング, ピーターInstitute for Global Environmental Strategies2019-04p.not provided-
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キング, ピーターInstitute for Global Environmental Strategies2019-04p.not provided-
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Jacob, Klaus, キング, ピーター, Mangalagiu, Diana, Rodríguez-Labajos, BeatrizUnited Nations Environment Programme2019-03Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy Peoplep.273-281
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ヘンジェスボー, マシュー, キング, ピーター, ザスマン, エリックInstitute for Global Environmental Strategies2020-10p.18-
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キング, ピーター, 杉原, 理恵Institute for Global Environmental Strategies2019-04p.not provided-
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Peter KingPalgrave Macmillanc2017
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キング, ピーター, 毛, 彩霞, バオ, ファン ンゴク, Nguyen, Lien, Nguyen, Tram Anh, 周, 新, モイヌッディン, ムスタファSWITCH Asia2020-11p.not provided-
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Jacob, Klaus, キング, ピーター, Mangalagiu, Diana, Zdruli, Pandi, Helming, Katharina, Onwuemele, Andrew, Zamani, Leila, Ravindranath, Darshini, Vo, HungUnited Nations Environment Programme2019-03Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy Peoplep.373-397
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Jacob, Klaus, キング, ピーター, Mangalagiu, Diana, Rodríguez-Labajos, BeatrizUnited Nations Environment Programme2019-03Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy Peoplep.453-458
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Jacob, Klaus, キング, ピーター, Feldman, Pedro, Gonçalves, Leandra Regina, Hollway, James, Sewerin, Sebastian, Chenmin, HeUnited Nations Environment Programme2019-03Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy Peoplep.283-299
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キング, ピーター, Armah, Frederick Ato, Dickerson, Phillip, Guerreiro, Christina, Keating, Terry, dos Santos Lucon, Oswaldo, Miyazaki, Asami, Patel, Amit, Reis, Stefan, DePryck, KariUnited Nations Environment Programme2019-03Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy Peoplep.302-321
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