紺野康夫 [著][紺野康夫][2003]<UT51-2003-H816>
National Diet Library
紺野, 康夫帯広畜産大学後援会2009-03-31帯広畜産大学後援会報告37p.4-7
Other Libraries in Japan
Konno, Yasuo京都大学 (Kyoto University)2003-03-24
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingKonno, Yasuo
紺野, 康夫Organizing Committee of OASERD, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine2002Global perspective in forest conservation and sustainable agriculture : the 2002 Obihiro Asia and the Pacific Seminar on Education for Rural Development (OASERD)p.39-46
Other Libraries in Japan
紺野, 康夫Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine2003Global perspective in range rehabilitation and prevention of desertification : the 2003 Obihiro Asia and the Pacific Seminar on Education for Rural Development (OASERD) UNESCO-APEIDp.91-96
Other Libraries in Japan
紺野, 康夫帯広畜産大学後援会1998-04-30帯広畜産大学後援会報告26p.4-6
Other Libraries in Japan
紺野, 康夫帯広畜産大学後援会1989-04-30帯広畜産大学後援会報告17p.45-49
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紺野, 康夫帯広畜産大学後援会1982-06-30帯広畜産大学後援会報告10p.21-23
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H.レシット・アクチャカヤ, マーク・A.バーグマン, レフ・R.ギンズバーグ 著, 楠田尚史, 小野山敬一, 紺野康夫 訳文一総合出版2002.4<RA141-G73>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan