Cassell and company, ltd.1949.<433.2-B846cr>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingBreul, Karl, 1860-1932. Lepper, John Heron, 1878- Kottenhahn, Rudolph.
Cassell and company, ltd.1949.<433.2-C344-1949>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingBreul, Karl, 1860-1932. Lepper, John Heron, 1878- Kottenhahn, Rudolph.
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnCassell1956
Other Libraries in Japan
Breul,Karl ; Lepper,JohnHeron ; Kottenhahn,RudolphCassell1952
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnCassell1955
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnCassell1953
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnCassell1952
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnCassell1951
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl BreulFunk and Wagnallsc1939
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnMaruzen[1936]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karl Breul ; revised and enlarged by J. Heron Lepper and Rudolf KottenhahnCassell1936
Other Libraries in Japan
with a phonetic key to pronunclation by Karl Breul ; revised and Englarged by J. Heron Lepper B. A. & Rudolf KottenhahnFunk & Wagnalls1936
Other Libraries in Japan
byKarlBreul ; revisedandenlargedbyJ.HeronLepperand ; RudolphKottenhahnMaruzen Co.1936
Other Libraries in Japan