José Murilo de Carvalho ; translated by Clifford E. Landers ; foreword by Maria Alice Rezende de CarvalhoUniversity of Notre Dame Pressc2012
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- Author HeadingCarvalho, José Murilo de Landers, Clifford E. Carvalho, Maria Alice Rezende...
Roberto DaMatta and Elena Soárez ; translated by Clifford E. LandersUniversity of Notre Dame Pressc2006
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- Author Heading...tional Studies Landers, Clifford E.
Paulo Coelho ; translated by Clifford E. LandersHarperTorch[2004]
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- Author HeadingCoelho, Paulo Landers, Clifford E.
Clifford E. LandersMultilingual Mattersc2001
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- Author HeadingLanders, Clifford E.
by Beatriz Milhazes ; songs by Arnaldo Antunes ... [et al.] ; afterword by Clifford E. LandersLibrary Council of the Museum of Modern Artc2002
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- Author HeadingMilhazes, Beatriz Landers, Clifford E. Museum of Modern Art (New Yor...
Chico Buarque ; translated by Clifford E. LandersBloomsbury1997
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- Author HeadingBuarque de Hollanda, Chico Landers, Clifford E.
byJoa~oUbaldoRibeiro. ; translatedfromthePortuguesebyCliffordE.Landers.Atheneum1994.
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Jorge Amado ; translated by Clifford E. LandersAvon Books1992
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- Author HeadingAmado, Jorge Landers, Clifford E.