Ken LewisNASW Pressc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
Colleen Lewis, Ken Coghill, editors.Springer[2016]<AG-241-B53>
National Diet Library
by Craig Stadler with John Andrisani ; [illustrations by Ken Lewis ; photographs by Jeff Blanton]Delacorte Press1995
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingStadler, Craig Andrisani, John Lewis, Ken Blanton, Jeff
John Jacobs with Ken Bowden ; illustrated by Ken LewisLyons & Burfordc1993
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingJacobs, John Bowden, Ken Lewis, Ken
Kenneth Van Kampen ; foreword by Curtis Strange ; illustrations by Ken LewisSimon & Schusterc1992
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingVan Kampen, Kenneth Strange, Curtis Lewis, Ken
by Don Trahan ; with illustrations by Ken Lewis ; technical consultant, John AndrisaniHarperPerennial1992
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTrahan, Don Lewis, Ken Andrisani, John
Henry Beard ; compiled by Henry Beard and John Boswell ; illustrated by Ken LewisGrafton1992
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBeard, Henry Boswell, John Lewis, Ken
Phil Ritson with John Andrisani ; illustrations by Ken Lewis ; photography by Leonard KamslerHarperCollinsc1992
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRitson, Phil Andrisani, John Lewis, Ken Kamsler, Leonard
IFS International1995.<DH371-A59>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingLewis, Ken C. E.
Peter Rhys Lewis, Ken Reynolds, and Colin GaggCRC Press2003
Other Libraries in Japan
Hiroyuki Ochiai, Ken Anjyo editorsSpringerc2015<M18-B1443>
National Diet Library