MONROE, R.E.(et al.)NUREG (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)(NUREG (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission))1984.
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- Author HeadingMONROE, R.E.
University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1984.
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- Author HeadingMonroe, R.E. Sears, R.G. Woo, H.H.
by R. E. Keith, R. E. Monroe, and D. C. MartinNASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center1965
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Weare, N.E./Monroe, R.E.Battelle Memorial Institute(Battelle Memorial Institute)1957.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWeare, N.E. Monroe, R.E.
Weare, N.E./Monroe, R.E.Battelle Memorial Institute(Battelle Memorial Institute)1956.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWeare, N.E. Monroe, R.E.
MONROE, R.E.(et al.)Battelle Memorial Institute(Battelle Memorial Institute)1953.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMONROE, R.E.
MONROE, R.E.(et al.)Battelle Memorial Institute(Battelle Memorial Institute)1952.
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- Author HeadingMONROE, R.E.
by Koichi Masubuchi, F.B. Simmons, R.E. Monroeサンケン技術貿易[19--]
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