John SimmondsBlackwell Pub.2005
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- Author HeadingSimmonds, E. John, 1952- MacLennan, D. N.
John Simmonds, David MacLennanBlackwell Pub.2005
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- Author HeadingSimmonds, E. John MacLennan, D. N.
by David N. MacLennanFood and Agriculture Organization[1995]
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- Author Heading... Food Security MacLennan, D. N. Food and Agriculture Organiza...
David N. MacLennan, E. John SimmondsChapman & Hall1992
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- Author HeadingMacLennan, D. N. Simmonds, E. John
by David N. MacLennan ; International Conference on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security, Kyoto, Japan, 4-9 December 1995 ; organized by the Government of Japan in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFood and Agriculture Organization[1995]
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- Author Heading... Food Security MacLennan, D. N. Food and Agriculture Organiza...
MacLennan, D.N.Atomic Energy Research Establishment(Atomic Energy Research Establishment)1966.
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MACLENNAN, D.N.Atomic Energy Research Establishment(Atomic Energy Research Establishment)
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