YoshikoUchida adapted ; MarianneYamaguchi ill.Creative Arts Book1988
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ChristobelMattingley文 ; MarianneYamaguchi 絵GULLIVER BOOKS1985
Other Libraries in Japan
Ruth Manley, Marianne YamaguchiHodder and Stou1978.0
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- Author HeadingRuth Manley Marianne Yamaguchi
Ruth Manley, illustrated by Marianne Yamaguchi.Hodder and Stoughton (Australia) Pty Limited1978.<Y8-B18175>
National Diet Library
Christobel Mattingley ; illustrated by Marianne YamaguchiHodder and Stoughton1985
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Christobel Mattingley ; illustrated by Marianne YamaguchiHarcourt Brace Jovanovichc1985
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by Eleanor Coerr ; illustrations by Marianne YamaguchiHodder & Stoughton1981
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Leslie Johns & Violet Stevenson ; illustrated by Marianne YamaguchiAngus & Robertson Publishers1979
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by Jean Russell Larson ; illustrated by Marianne YamaguchiC. Scribner's Sonsc1966
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adapted by Yoshiko Uchida ; illustrated by Marianne YamaguchiCharles Scribner's Sonsc1965
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Angus & Robertson,1974.
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- Contributorby Eric C. Rolls ; illustrated by Marianne Yamaguchi.