by Michael Grant ; with photographs by Antonia Mulas ; and a description of the collection by Antonio De Simone and Maria Teresa MerellaStewart, Tabori & Chang1997
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- Author HeadingGrant, Michael Mulas, Antonia De Simone, Antonio Merella, Maria Teresa Museo nazionale di Napoli
[la stesura di questa guida è stata curata, Maria Teresa Merella]Electac1981
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- Author HeadingMerella, Maria Teresa
Text von Michael Grant ; Fotos von Antonia Mulas ; kritische Betrachtung der Werke von Antonio De Simone und Maria Teresa MerellaList1977
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- Author HeadingGrant, Michael Mulas, Antonia De Simone, Antonio Merella, Maria Teresa
Text von Michael Grant ; Fotos von Antonia Mulas ; kritische Betrachtung der Werke von Antonio De Simone und Maria Teresa MerellaList1975
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- Author HeadingGrant, Michael Mulas, Antonia De Simone, Antonio Merella, Maria Teresa
by Michael Grant ; with photographs by Antonia Mulas ; and a description of the collection by Antonio De Simone and Maria Teresa MarellaOctopus Books1975
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- Author HeadingGrant, Michael Mulas, Antonia De Simone, Antonio Merella, Maria Teresa Museo nazionale di Napoli
texte de Michael Grant ; photographies d' Antonia Mulas ; analyse critique d' Antonio de Simone et Maria Teresa Merella ; traduit de l'italien par Marthe GauthierRobert Laffontc1975
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- Author Heading...imone, Antonio Merella, Maria Teresa Gauthier, Marthe Museo nazion...