by Ernest Dale and L.C. MichelonPenguin1969, c1966
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L.C. Michelon, Reuben E. SlesingerWorld Pub. Coc1968
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by Ernest Dale and L.C. MichelonWorld Pub. Co.c1966
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アーネスト・デール, L.C.ミシュロン 共著, 北野利信 訳評論社1967<335-cD13g-K>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by L.C. Michelon ; in collaboration with Richard T. Thornbury and Associates of the Industrial Relations Center, the University of ChicagoWorld Pub. Co[1960]
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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Leno C.MichelonHarper & Brothers Publishersc1950
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- Author HeadingMichelon,Leno Ceno