Miller, D. E1995<LS-DE95/016109>
National Diet Library
Hassenzahl, W. V, Casper, T. A, Miller, D. E1995<LS-DE96/000376>
National Diet Library
MILLER, D.E. (ED.). (OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TN (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
HASSENZAHL, W.V.// CASPER, T.A.// MILLER, D.E. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
BOSTON, H.L.// ASHWOOD, T.L.// BORDERS, D.M.// CHIDAMBARIAH, V.// DOWNING, D.J.// FONTAINE, T.A.// KETELLE, R.H.// LEE, S.Y.// MILLER, D.E.// MOORE, G.K. (OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TN (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
CROFF, A.G.// FORSBERG, C.W.// COHEN, J.J.// SMITH, C.F.// MILLER, D.E. (OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TN (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1985.
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLetts, S A Miller, D E Corley, R A Tillotson, T M Wi...
Letts, S.A., Lucht, L.M., Morgan, R.J. [et al.]Lawrence Livermore National Lab.1985.6.10.
Other Libraries in Japan
MILLER, D.E.(et al.)Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1980.
Other Libraries in Japan
MILLER, D.E.Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1979.
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