W.J.T. Mitchell ; herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort von Gustav Frank ; [Sämtliche Übersetzungen wurden von Heinz Jatho und Gustav Frank durchgesehen und revidiert]Suhrkamp2008
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMitchell, W. J. T. Jatho, Heinz Frank, Gustav
Cary Wolfe ; foreword by W.J.T. MitchellUniversity of Chicago Press2003
Other Libraries in Japan
Johnn Hutchinson/サーベイ, E.H.Gombrich/インタビュー, Lela Njatin B./フォーカス, W.J.T. Mitchell/アップデートPhaidon Press2000
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Hatje Cantzc2012
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMental illness in motion pictures Mitchell, W. J. T. (William John Thomas), 1942-
- Subject Heading (ID)Mental illness in motion pictures Mitchell, W. J. T. (William John Thomas), 1942-
- Author HeadingMitchell, W. J. T. (William John Thomas) Documen...
edited and with an introduction by Ann M. Wolfe ; foreword by David B. Walker ; contributors, Lucy Lippard, Geoff Manaugh, W.J.T. Mitchell ; design, Brad BartlettSkira Rizzoli , 20112011
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...Manaugh, Geoff Mitchell, W. J. T. (William John Thomas) Bartlet...
ホミ・バーバ, W.J.T.ミッチェル 編, 上村忠男, 八木久美子, 粟屋利江 共訳みすず書房2009.10<GK487-J10>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
ロバート・S.ネルソン, リチャード・シフ 編, 加藤哲弘, 鈴木廣之 監訳, 秋庭史典 [ほか]訳ブリュッケ2002.2<K43-G7>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan