edited by A.J. Hynes and J.B. MurphyGeological Society2023
Other Libraries in Japan
Murphy, J. B, Blum, E, Heese, R, Keane, J, Krinsky, S1998<LS-DE98/002808>
National Diet Library
Murphy, J. B1996<LS-DE97/000045>
National Diet Library
Murphy, J. B1996<LS-DE97/005251>
National Diet Library
Bane, K, Krinsky, S, Murphy, J. B1996<LS-DE97/005252>
National Diet Library
MURPHY, J.B.(et al.)Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)2001.
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by J.B Murphy, R.A. Strachan and C. QuesadaThe Geological Society2021
Other Libraries in Japan
HALAMA, H.J.// MURPHY, J.B. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
MURPHY, J.B.// MACDOWELL, A.A.// WHITE, D.L.// WOOD, O.R. II. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
ZHANG, XIAOHAO// MURPHY, J.B.// KRINSKY, S. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
BLUMBERG, L.N.// MURPHY, J.B.// SHARMA, S. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
BLUMBERG, L.N.// MURPHY, J.B.// REUSCH, M.F. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
MURPHY, J.B.// BISCARDI, R.// HALAMA, H.// HEESE, R.// KRAMER, S.// NAWROCKY, R.// KRISHNASWAMY, J. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
MURPHY, J.B. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1989.
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Z. X. Li, D. A. D. Evans and J. B. MurphyThe Geological Society2016
Other Libraries in Japan
MURPHY, J.B.(et al.)Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1987.
Other Libraries in Japan
MURPHY, J.B.// BISCARDI, R.// BITTNER, J.// BLUMBERG, L.N.// BOZOKI, E.// DESMOND, E.// HALAMA, H.// HEESE, R.// HSIEH, H.// KEANE, J. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
MURPHY, J.B.// BLUMBERG, L.N.// BOZOKI, E.// DESMOND, E.// GALAYDA, J.// HALAMA, H.// HEESE, R.// HSIEH, H.// KEANE, J.// KRAMER, S. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1990.
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMurphy, J B Pellegrini, C [eds.]
MURPHY, J.B.(et al.)Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1984.
Other Libraries in Japan