National Academies Pressc2004.<EL171-B13>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...James) , 1950- National Research Council (U.S.) . Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences. Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
National Academies Pressc2003.<EA3-B11>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...ence Research. National Research Council (U.S.) . Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences. National Research Council (U....
Nancy J. Cooke and Margaret L. Hilton, editors ; Committee on the Science of Team Science ; Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences ; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National AcademiesThe National Academies Press2015
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National Research Council of the National AcademiesNational Academies Pressc2014
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Steering Committee for the Workshop on Technology for Adaptive Aging ; Richard W. Pew and Susan B. Van Hemel, editors ; Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and EducationNational Academies Pressc2004
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Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph, Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences and Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National AcademiesNational Academies Pressc2003
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Panel on Institutional Review Boards, Surveys, and Social Science Research, Constance F. Citro, Daniel R. Ilgen, and Cora B. Marrett, editors ; Committee on National Statistics and Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences, Division on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National AcademiesNational Academies Pressc2003
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