Michael Castleman, Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, Matthew NaythonsPerigee Book2000
Other Libraries in Japan
introduction by Dale Jarrett ; text by Sandra McKee ; created and produced by Matthew Naythons ; director of photography, Rick RickmanEpicenter Communicationsc2000
Other Libraries in Japan
produced by Matthew Naythons ; picture selection and design by Alex Castro ; text edited by Rebecca Buffum TaylorWarner Books1994
Other Libraries in Japan
created and produced by Matthew Naythons ; prologue, William Styron ; narrative, Sherwin B. Nuland ; photographic historian, Stanley B. BurnsRandom Housec1993
Other Libraries in Japan
by Rick Smolan, Phillip Moffitt, and Matthew NaythonsPrentice Hall Pressc1990
Other Libraries in Japan
Rick Smolan/by, Phillip Moffitt/by, Matthew Naythons/byPrentice Hall Pressc1990
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSmolan Rick Moffitt Phillip Naythons Matthew