Krishnendu Sengupta, Palash B. PalCambridge University Press2023
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Palash B. PalCRC Pressc2015
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PAL, P.B. (TEXAS UNIV., AUSTIN, TX (UNITED STATES). CENTER FOR PARTICLE PHYSICS)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1993.
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PAL, P.B. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (UNITED STATES). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1991.
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PAL, P.B. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (UNITED STATES). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1991.
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World Scientificc1998.<MB45-A65>
National Diet Library
PAL, P.B. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (USA). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1990.
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PAL, P.B. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (UNITED STATES). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1990.
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PAL, P.B. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (USA). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1990.
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DESHPANDE, N.G.// PAL, P.B. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (USA). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1990.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingDESHPANDE, N.G. PAL, P.B.
Palash B. Pal, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India ; translated from Bengali by Sushan KonarCRC Pressc2015
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PAL, P.B.// KEUNG, WAI-YEE// CHANG, D. (OREGON UNIV., EUGENE, OR (USA). INST. OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1990.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPAL, P.B. KEUNG, WAI-YEE CHANG, D.
Palash B. PalAlphas Science Internationalc2008
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California Univ., Davis (USA). Dept. of Physics; National Science Foundation, Washington, DC (USA). Div. of Physics; Maryland Univ., College Park (USA). Dept. of Physics; Oregon Univ., Eugene (USA). Inst. of Theoretical Science; Barcelona Univ. (Spain). Dept. de Fisica Teorica; Illinois Inst. of Tech., Chicago (USA). Dept. of Physics(California Univ., Davis (USA). Dept. of Physics; National Science Foundation, Washington, DC (USA). Div. of Physics; Maryland Univ., College Park (USA). Dept. of Physics; Oregon Univ., Eugene (USA). Inst. of Theoretical Science; Barcelona Univ. (Spain). Dept. de Fisica Teorica; Illinois Inst. of Tech., Chicago (USA). Dept. of Physics)1986.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingDeshpande, N.G. Grifols, J. Gunion, J. Kayser, B. Mendez, A. Mohapatra, R.N. Olness, F. Pal, P.B.
Amitabha Lahiri, Palash B. PalAlpha Science International2005
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Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Palash B. PalWorld Scientificc2004
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Amitabha Lahiri, Palash B. PalCRC Pressc2001
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Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Palash B. PalWorld Scientificc1998
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Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Palash B. PalWorld Scientificc1991
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