Bursill, L.A., Qian, Hua, Peng, JuLin [et al.]Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1995.
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Bursilll, L.A., Peng, JuLin, Gurarie, V.N. [et al.]Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1995.
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Fan, Xudong, Qian, Hua, Peng Julin [et al.]Melbourne Univ., School of Physics. Funding organisation: Australian Research Council1995.
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- Author HeadingFan, Xudong Qian, Hua Peng Julin Bursill, L.A.
Bursill, L.A., Peng, Julin.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1992.
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Peng, Julin, Bursill, L.A.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1992.
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Peng JuLin, Bursill, L.A.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1990.
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- Author HeadingPeng JuLin Bursill, L.A.
Bursill, L.A., Peng JuLin.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1990.
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- Author HeadingBursill, L.A. Peng JuLin.
Bursill, L.A., Peng Julin.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1989.1.
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- Author HeadingBursill, L.A. Peng Julin.
Peng JuLin, Bursill, L.A.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1989.1.
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- Author HeadingPeng JuLin Bursill, L.A.
Bursill, L.A., Peng JuLin, Fan XuDongMelbourne Univ., School of Physics1989.1.
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- Author HeadingBursill, L.A. Peng JuLin Fan XuDong
Bursill, L.A., Peng JuLin, Sellar, J.R.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1989.1.
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- Author HeadingBursill, L.A. Peng JuLin Sellar, J.R.
Bursill, L.A., Peng, Ju Lin, Fan, XuDong [et al.]Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1995.
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Bursill, L.A., Peng Ju Lin, Sellar, J.R.Melbourne Univ., School of Physics1989.1.
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