Himalaya Pub. House1978.<EL31-56>
National Diet Library
S.D. Punekar, S.B. Deodhar, Saraswathi SankaranHimalaya Pub. House1978
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chief editor, S. D. Punekar ; editors, M. A. Gidwani, Madan Joshi, V. Mahadevan ; foreword by Indira GandhiHimalaya Pub. House1977
Other Libraries in Japan
S. D. Punekar, Alka R. GolwalkarPopular Prakashan1973
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] S. D. Punekar [and] Manorama G. SavurPopular Prakashan for Gujarat Research Society[1969]
Other Libraries in Japan
S.D. Punekar and Kamala RaoLalvani1967
Other Libraries in Japan
S. D. Punekar and S. Madhuri ; conducted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay ; and sponsored by International Institute for Labour Studies, GenevaLalvani1967
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Indian Branch, Oxford University Press[1950]<331.2544-P984s>
National Diet Library
G.K. Thakker ; with a foreword by S.D. PunekarVora1962
Other Libraries in Japan
by S.D. Punekar, Kamala RaoAllied Publishers Privatec1962
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contributing editors, S.D. Punekar, B.C. DesaiGovernment Press1960
Other Libraries in Japan
S.D. PunekarVora1952
Other Libraries in Japan
S.D. PunekarOxford University Press (Indian Branch)1950
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPunekar, S.D