Karel Reisz, Gavin Millar ; aus dem Englischen von Helmut Wietz ; mit einem Vorwort von Heinz Rathsack ; [herausgegeben von der Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek]Filmlandpressec1988
written and compiled by Karel Reisz and Gavin Millar with the guidance of the following committee appointed by the British Film Academy ...; introduced by Thorold DickinsonFocal Press1968
written and compiled by Karel Reisz and Gavin Millar, with the guidance of the following committee appointed by the British Film Academy : Thorold Dickinson, chairman [and others] Introduced by Thorold DickinsonHastings Housec1968
written and compiled by Karel Reisz with the guidance of the following committee appointed by the British Film Academy ... ; introduced by Thorold DickinsonFocal Press1953