Fermin Rocker ; with drawings by the authorFreedom1998
Other Libraries in Japan
W. Somerset Maugham ; retold by Rod Sinclair ; illustrated by Fermin RockerHeinemann International1992
Other Libraries in Japan
Oxford University Press1974.<Y3-A30>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingCarter, Peter. Rocker, Fermin.
World's Work1969, c1967.<Y2-A35>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingPoling, James. Rocker, Fermin.
BernardAshleyPuffin1977, c1974
Other Libraries in Japan
J.M. Marks ; illustrated by Fermin RockerPuffin Books in association with Oxford University Press1977
Other Libraries in Japan
Bernard Ashley ; illustrated by Fermin RockerPuffin Books in association with Oxford University Press1977, c1974
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Michael Hardcastle ; illustrated by Fermin RockerHeinemann Educational1975
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[by] Peter Carter ; illustrated by Fermin RockerOxford University Press1974
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[by] Winifred Cawley ; illustrated by Fermin RockerOxford University Press1974
Other Libraries in Japan
W, Somerset Maugham ; retold by Rod Sinclair ; illustrated by Fermin RockerHeinemann Educational1975
Other Libraries in Japan
Rocker, Fermin 画,Burchardt, Nellie 著Scholastic Book Services(Scholastic Magazines)1969
Other Libraries in Japan
NatalieSavageCarlson 文 ; FerminRocker 絵Harper & Rowc1962
Other Libraries in Japan