アレン・ワインスタイン, デイヴィッド・ルーベル 著, 越智道雄 訳東洋書林2010.6<GH82-J22>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
RubelDavid 著Scholastic2008.8
Other Libraries in Japan
アレン・ワインスタイン, デイヴィッド・ルーベル著 ; 越智道雄訳東洋書林2010.6
Other Libraries in Japan
Douglas Brinkley, general editor ; edited and with chapter introductions by David RubelTimes Books, H. Holt and Company2004, c2003
Other Libraries in Japan
Douglas Brinkley, general editor ; edited and with chapter introductions by David RubelTimes Books : H. Holt and Company2003
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Allen Weinstein, David RubelDK Pub.c2002
Other Libraries in Japan
general editor, James M. McPherson ; editor, David RubelDorling Kindersley2001
Other Libraries in Japan
general editor, J. Matthew Gallman ; introduction by Eric Foner ; edited by David Rubel and Russell ShortoCrown Publishersc2000
Other Libraries in Japan
David Rubel/著Scholastic Reference1997
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRubel David
edited by Ted Mico, John Miller-Monzon, and David Rubel ; general editor: Mark C. CarnesCassell1996
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Ted Mico, John Miller-Monzon, and David Rubel ; general editor: Mark C. CarnesHenry Holt1996
Other Libraries in Japan
general editor, Mark C. Carnes ; edited by Ted Mico, John Miller-Monzon, and David RubelH. Holt1995
Other Libraries in Japan
by David RubelMillbrook Pressc1991
Other Libraries in Japan