edited by Floyd E. Schulze and Robert Klanten, preface and chapter introductions by Anna Carnick, project texts by Alisa Kotmair.Gestalten2013.<YP51-B421>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading佐藤, オオキ, 1977- Schulze, Floyd. Klanten, Robert nendo
[edited by Robert Klanten, Floyd Schulze]Gestalten2011
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited by Robert Klanten, Floyd Schulze]Gestalten2011
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited by Robert Klanten, Sven Ehmann, Floyd Schulze ; prefaece by Robert Klanten]Gestalten2011
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited by Robert Klanten and Floyd E. Schulze ; introduction texts by Cristina Grajales and Christian Viveros-Fauné ; conversations between Sebastian Errazuriz and Paola Antonelli as well as Tom Sachs]Gestalten2012
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited by Robert Klanten, Sven Ehmann, and Floyd Schulze ; text and preface by Andrew Losowsky ; project descriptions by Rebecca Silus]Gestalten2011
Other Libraries in Japan