Sean B. CarrollW.W. Norton & Companyc2019
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B. CarrollPrinceton University Press2017, c2016
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Sean B. CarrollPrinceton University Pressc2016
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Sean B. CarrollCrownc2013
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Sean B. CarrollHoughton Mifflin Harcourtc2009
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SeanB.Carroll/authorPearson Benjamin Cummingsc2009
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- Author HeadingSean, B., Carroll
SeanB.Carroll.W.W.Norton & Co.2007
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Sean B. Carroll/著Princeton University Press2017
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Sean B. Carroll ; with illustrations by Jamie W. Carroll and Leanne M. OldsQuercus2009, c2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B. Carroll ; with illustrations by Jamie W. Carroll and Leanne M. OldsW.W. Nortonc2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B. Carroll ; with illustrations by Jamie W. Carroll, Josh P. Klaiss, Leanne M. OldsW. W. Norton2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B. Carroll ; with illustrations by Jamie W. Carroll, Josh P. Klaiss, Leanne M. OldsWeidenfeld & Nicolson2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B. Carroll, Jennifer K. Grenier, Scott D. WeatherbeeBlackwell Pub.2005
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B. Carroll ; with illustrations by Jamie W. Carroll, Josh P. Klaiss, Leanne M. OldsNortonc2005
Other Libraries in Japan
Sean B.Carroll, Jennifer K.Grenier, Scott D.Weatherbee 著, 上野直人, 野地澄晴 監訳羊土社2003.2<RA117-H10>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Sean B. Carroll, Jennifer K. Grenier, Scott D. WeatherbeeBlackwell Sciencec2001
Other Libraries in Japan