by Alex L. ShigoShigo and Treesc1994
Other Libraries in Japan
AlexL.Shigo 著 ; 日本樹木医会 訳・編日本樹木医会1996.6
Other Libraries in Japan
アレックス L.シャイゴ/著, 堀大才/訳, 三戸久美子/訳日本緑化センター1997.09
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingShigo,Alex L. 堀大才 三戸久美子
by Alex L. ShigoShigo and Trees, Associatesc1991
Other Libraries in Japan
By Alex L. Shigo ; 日本樹木医会訳・編日本樹木医会1996.6
Other Libraries in Japan
by Alex L. ShigoShigo and Trees1989
Other Libraries in Japan
by Alex L. ShigoShigo and Treesc1989
Other Libraries in Japan
by Alex L. Shigo, Klaus Vollbrecht, Niels HvassSITAS1987
Other Libraries in Japan
1987<YCA-A 13.42/2:T 71/4>
National Diet Library
アレックス L.シャイゴ 著, 堀大才, 三戸久美子 訳日本緑化センター2000.2<RB321-H45>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Alex L.Shigo 著, モダンアーボリカルチャー編集委員会 訳・編日本樹木医会1996.6<RB351-H4>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
1985<YCA-A 13.2:W 91>
National Diet Library
1984<YCA-A 13.42/25:NE-INF-58-84>
National Diet Library
1985<YCA-A 13.88:NE-101>
National Diet Library
1980<YCA-A 13.42/2:B 73>
National Diet Library
1981<YCA-A 13.42/25:17-73>
National Diet Library