Manga Entertainmentc1996
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- Author HeadingShirow, Masamune Manga Entertainmen
írta és rajzolta, Shirow Masamune, fordító, Kálovics Dalma, betűk és műszaki szerkesztés, Benes Attila, szerkesztő, Láng István.[Budapest][2008]<KC486-B199>
National Diet Library
story and art by Shirow Masamune ; translation and English-language adaptation, Frederik L. Schodt and Toren SmithKodansha Comics[2010]
Other Libraries in Japan
story and art by Shirow Masamune ; translation and English-language adaptation, Frederik L. Schodt and Toren SmithKodansha Comics2009
Other Libraries in Japan
directed by Mamoru Oshii ; based on the manga by Shirow Masamune ; screenplay by Kazunori Ito講談社 : バンダイビジュアル : Manga Entertainment (発売)2004.2
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