translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by A.E. Silverstone ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H.M. Lazarus ; under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Pressc1987
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Silverstone, A. E. Lazarus, H. M. (Harris M.)
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by A.E. Silverstone ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H.M. Lazarus ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי אליהו אליעזר זילבערסטאן ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטין . עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי צבי מאיר לזרוס ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיןSoncino Pressc1987
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSilverstone, A. E. Epstein, Isidore Lazarus, H. ...
. . . . .Soncino Press1935
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...tki, Israel W. Silverstone, A. E. Lazarus, H. M. (Harris M.) Se...
by A.E. SilverstoneManchester University Press1931
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSilverstone, A. E.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by A.E. Silverstone ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H.M. Lazarus ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by J. Israelstam ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein]Soncino Press1935
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSilverstone, A. E. Epstein, Isidore Lazarus, H. ...