translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי ישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיןSoncino Press1989
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes and glossary, chapters I-IV by Maurice Simon, chapters V-X by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה סימון וישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיןSoncino Press1989
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Simon, Maurice Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices, folios 2A-36B by Samuel Daiches, folios 36B to the end [by] Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי שמואל דייכעס וישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיןSoncino Press1989
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Daiches, Samuel Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Pressc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSlotki, Israel W. Epstein, Isidore
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by folios 1-35b by A. Mishcon, folios 35b to the end by A. Cohen ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by J. Israelstam ; under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Press1988
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading..., A. (Abraham) Slotki, Israel W. Segal, M. H. (Moses Hirsch) I...
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H. Bornstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Isidore Fishman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman ; [all] under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Press1989
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W. Bornstein, H. Segal, M. H. (M...
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי ישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיןSoncino Pressc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי ישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיןSoncino Pressc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H.M. Lazarus ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי ישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין . עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי צבי מאיר לזרוס ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטייןSoncino Pressc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSlotki, Israel W. Epstein, Isidore Lazarus, H. ...
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by W. SlotkiSoncino Press[1978]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W. Hertz, J. H.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices chapteers i-iv by Maurice Simon, chapters v-x by W. SlotkiSoncino Press[1978]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Lehrman, S. M. (Simon Maurice) Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H. FreedmanSoncino Press[1978]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W. Freedman, H.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices chapteers i-vi by Jacob Shachter, chapters vii-xi by H. FreedmanSoncino Press[1978]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Lehrman, S. M. (Simon Maurice) Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices (pages 1 to 198) by Samuel Daiches, (pages 198 to the end) by W. SlotkiSoncino Press[1978]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Daiches, Samuel Slotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes and glossary, chapters I-IV by Maurice Simon, chapters V-X by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Pressc1976
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSimon, Maurice Slotki, Israel W. Epstein, Isidore
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices, folios 2A-36B by Samuel Daiches, folios 36B to the end [by] Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Pressc1971
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingDaiches, Samuel Slotki, Israel W. Epstein, Isidore
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices, under the editorship of Abraham Cohen = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, בעריכת אברהם כהןSoncino Pressc1965
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...shdan, Yehudah Slotki, Israel W. Rabbinowitz, J. (Josef) Ginsb...
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein]Soncino Press1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W.
with an introduction and commentary by I.W. SlotkiSoncino Press1952
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSlotki, Israel W.
translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H. Bornstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Isidore Fishman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman ; [all] under the editorship of I. EpsteinSoncino Press1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingEpstein, Isidore Slotki, Israel W. Bornstein, H. Segal, M. H. (M...