compiled and edited by A. Robert SmithSt. Martin's Press1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSmith, A. Robert
エドガー・ケイシー 著, A.ロバート・スミス 編, 三山一 訳中央アート出版社2003.7<GK419-H5>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCayce, Edgar, 1877-1945 Smith, A. Robert, 1925- 三山, 一, 1962-
PaperRecording Media図書障害者向け資料あり エドガー・ケイシー 著, A.ロバート・スミス 編, 三山一 訳中央アート出版社2003.2<GK419-H1>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCayce, Edgar, 1877-1945 Smith, A. Robert, 1925- 三山, 一, 1962-
photo. by Fred J. Maroon, text by A. Robert Smith and Eric SevareidDoubleday1965<VA123-15>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMaroon, Fred J Smith, A. Robert Sevareid, Eric
FredJ.Maroon 写真 ; A.RobertSmith ; EricSevareid 文Doubleday & C・,1965
Other Libraries in Japan
photography by Fred J.Maroon, text by A.Robert Smith and Eric SevareidDoubleday1965
Other Libraries in Japan