SNELL, M.K.(et al.)2013.
Other Libraries in Japan
Jordan, S. E, Snell, M. K, Madsen, M. M, Smith, J. S, Peters, B. A1998<LS-DE98/007369>
National Diet Library
SNELL, M.K.// KEY, B.// BINGHAM, B. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
GARDNER, B.H.// SNELL, M.K. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
FORTNEY, D.S.// PATENAUDE, C.J.// SNELL, M.K.// KEY, B. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
SNELL, M.K.// BINGHAM, B.// KEY, B.// WALKER, S. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
GARDNER, B.H.// PAULUS, W.K.// SNELL, M.K. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
Cota, E.D., Snell, M.K.Sandia National Labs.1988.4.
Other Libraries in Japan
Gangel, D.J., Heustess, J.E., Snell, M.K.Sandia National Labs.1986.01..
Other Libraries in Japan
Snell, M.K., Gangel, D.J., Heustess, J.E.Sandia National Labs.1986.03.
Other Libraries in Japan
SNELL, M.K.(et al.)Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (USA)(Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. (USA))1985.
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGangel, D J Heustess, J E Snell, M K
Chapek, J.F., Desonier, L.M., Luetters, F.O. [et al.]Sandia National Labs.1987.02.
Other Libraries in Japan