Michael Reisch ; [editor, Duncan Forbes ; translations, Sibylle Luig, Allison Plath-Moseley, John Southard]Hatje Cantz2010
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- Author HeadingReisch, Michael Forbes, Duncan Luig, Sibylle Plath-Moseley, Allison Southard, John
Ulrich Bachmann ; [Übersetzung: John Southard]Niggli[2006?]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBachmann, Ulrich Southard, John
Felix Billeter, Pia Dornacher ; unter der Mitarbeit von Juliette Israël und Lisa Kern ; [Übersetzungen, John Southard]Hatje Cantzc2014
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- Author Heading...tte Kern, Lisa Southard, John B. (John Brelsford)
herausgegeben von Thomas Elsen und Christof Trepesch ; Übersetzungen, John SouthardH2-Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst im Glaspalast, Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburgc2013
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...esch, Christof Southard, John S. Löbbert, Maik Löbbert, Dir...
[Herausgeber, Andreas Blühm ; Übersetzungen (Deutsch-Englisch), John Southard]Hatje Cantzc2008
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBlühm, Andreas Southard, John B. (John Brelsford)
[editorial board, Ullrich Schwarz, Stephan Feige, Claas Gefroi ; translations, John S. Southard, Sandra Harper, Harry F. Mallgrave]Institut für Auslandsbeziehungenc2002
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- Author Heading... Gefroi, Claas Southard, John S. Harper, Sandra Mallgrave, ...
Kristin Capp ; with texts by Kristin Capp, Sieglinde Geisel, Rod SlemmonsEdition Stemmlec1998
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCapp, Kristin Geisel, Sieglinde Slemmons, Rod Southard, John S.
[Herausgeber, Bernhard Mendes Bürgi, Beatrix Ruf, Gijs van Tuyl ; Übersetzung, John S. Southard]Hatje Cantzc2002
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...Van Tuyl, Gijs Southard, John S. Prince, Richard Museum für...
texts by Katharina Metz, Ingrid Mössinger, Wieland Poser ; [translation of the German texts by John S. Southard]Edition Stemmlec1999
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- Author Heading...Poser, Wieland Southard, John S. Städtische Kunstsammlungen...
[concept, Peter Weiermair ; editing, Nina Koidl ; translations from the Germany by John S. Southard]Edition Stemmlec1996
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- Author HeadingWeiermair, Peter Koidl, Nina Southard, John B. (John Brelsford)
herausgegeben von Hans Ulrich Obrist, Guy Tortosa ; mit einem Nachwort von Jonas Mekas ; [Übers. tr. John S. Southard]Hatjec1997
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingObrist, Hans Ulrich Tortosa, Guy Mekas, Jonas Southard, John S.
edited by Andreas Hapkemeyer and Peter Weiermair ; [translations from German by John S. Southard]Edition Stemmlec1996
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...er Kunstverein Southard, John S.
Eberhard Grames ; [text by Denis Bourgès] ; [translation from the German by Ishbel Flett and John S. Southard]Edition Stemmlec1995
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- Author HeadingGrames, Eberhard Bourgès, Denis Flett, Ishbel Southard, John S.
texts by Erich Lessing and Chris Sattlberger ; [translation from the German by Alix Fair-Stewart and John S. Southard]Edition Stemmlec1997
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- Author Heading...-Stewart, Alix Southard, John S.
Bastienne Schmidt ; edited by Hans-Georg Pospischil ; texts by Karl Steinorth, Edward J. Sullivan, and Bastienne Schmidt ; [translation from the German by John S. Southard]Edition Stemmlec1996
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- Author HeadingSchmidt, Bastienne Pospischil, Hans-Georg Steinorth, Karl Sullivan, Edward J. Southard, John S.
Gerard V. Middleton, John B. SouthardSEPM1984
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMiddleton, Gerard V. Southard, John B. (John Brelsford)
Gerard V. Middleton, John B. SouthardSEPM1978
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMiddleton, Gerard V. Southard, John B
by J.C. Harms, J.B. Southard and R.G. WalkerSociety of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists1982
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHarms, J. C. (John Conrad) Southard, John B. (John Brelsford) Walker, R...
by Lev M. Lebedev ; translated from Russian by John B. SouthardPlenum press1967
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLebedev, L. M. (Lev Mikhaĭlovich) Southard, John B. (John Brelsford)