Viking Press[1974]<EF25-10>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSquire, Geoffrey.
Society for Research into Higher Education1990.<FD35-A56>
National Diet Library
Geoffrey SquiresFalmer Press1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Geoffrey Squire and Pauline BaynesF. Warnec1975
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSquire, Geoffrey Baynes, Pauline
Geoffrey SquireStudio Vista1974
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSquire, Geoffrey
Jane Gear, Aileen McIntosh and Geoffrey SquiresDepartment of Adult Education, University of Hull1994
Other Libraries in Japan
Geoffrey SquiresSociety for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press1990
Other Libraries in Japan
Geoffrey SquiresHodder and Stoughton1987
Other Libraries in Japan
by Geoffrey SquiresDepartment of Adult Education, University of Nottinghamc1981
Other Libraries in Japan
[compiled by Helen Simons and Geoffrey Squires in collaboration with Jean Rudduck] ; [for the] Group for Research & Innovation in Higher EducationNuffield Foundation1976
Other Libraries in Japan