Ellen Steiber ; based on the television series created by Chris Carter ; text adaptation, notes and activities by Guglielmo CorradoBlack Catc1998
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Ellen Steiber 著HarperTrophy1996年
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by Ellen SteiberRandom Housec1994
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a novelization by Ellen Steiber, Chris Carter, Charles Grant CraigHarper Trophy1997
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- Author HeadingEllen Steiber Chris Carter Charles Grant Craig Steiber Ellen Carter Chris
エレン・スタイバー著 ; 楠木成文訳ソニー・マガジンズ1996.2
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エレン・スタイバー著 ; 楠木成文訳ソニー・マガジンズ1996.5
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PaperRecording MediaDigital図書障害者向け資料あり ソニー・マガジンズ1996.2<KS164-E947>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
PaperRecording MediaDigital図書障害者向け資料あり ソニー・マガジンズ1996.5<KS164-E947>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan