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National Diet Library
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王忠伟, 费素斌主编经济科学出版社2010.3<HB51-C27>
National Diet Library
Yong Su, Bin XiongEast China Normal University Pressc2016
Other Libraries in Japan
張素玢 作衛城出版2017.6<DC812-C13>
National Diet Library
張素玢, 陳鴻圖, 鄭安睎 著國史館臺灣文獻館2010.11<GE461-C495>
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
徐蘇斌 [著][徐蘇斌]2005<UT51-2006-D259>
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Mycological Society of Japan1994-<Z54-H696>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Volumes of this title詹素娟, 張素玢著臺灣省文獻委員會2001.3<G131-C278>
National Diet Library
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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
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