P. A. Fenter, M. L. Rivers, N. C. Sturchio, S. R. Sutton, Eds.Mineralogical Society of America2002
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingFenter, P. A. Rivers, M. L. Sturchio, N. C. Sutton, S. R.
ISAACS, H.S.// DAVENPORT, A.J.// JEONG-HWAN, CHO// RIVERS, M.L.// SUTTON, S.R. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1993.
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TOEROEK, S.// FAIGEL, G.// OSAN, J.// TOEROEK, B.// JONES, K.W.// RIVERS, M.L.// SUTTON, S.R.// BAJT, S. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES)// CHICAGO UNIV., IL (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
ISAACS, H.S.// DAVENPORT, A.J.// CHO, J.H.// RIVERS, M.L.// SUTTON, S.R. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
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RIVERS, M.L.// SUTTON, S.R.// JONES, K.W. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1990.
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FLYNN, G.J.// SUTTON, S.R.(BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY(USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1989.
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JONES,K.W.//GORDON,B.M.//SPANNE,P.//RIVERS, M.L.//SUTTON,S.R.(BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB.,UPTON,NY(UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
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TOEROEK, S.// SANDOR, S.// XHOFFER, C.// VAN GRIEKEN, R.// JONES, K.W.// SUTTON, S.R.// RIVERS, M.L. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
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SUTTON, S.R.// CHOLEWA, M.// BENCH, G.// SAINT, A.// LEGGE, G.J.F.// WEIRUP, D.// FLYNN, G.J. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (USA))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1991.
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SUTTON, S.R.//FLYNN, G.J. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1989.
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SUTTON, S.R.(et al.)Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1987.
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SUTTON, S.R.(et al.)Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1987.
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JANSSENS, K.H.// VAN LANGEVELDE, F.// ADAMS, F.C.// VIS, R.D.// SUTTON, S.R.// RIVERS, M.L.// JONES, K.W.// BOWEN, D.K. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1991.
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SUTTON, S.R.(et al.)Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1986.
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JONES, K.W.// GORDON, B. M.// HANSON, A.L.// POUNDS, J.G.// RIVERS,M.L.// SCHIDLOVSKY, G.// SMITH, J.V.// SPANNE, P.// SUTTON, S.R. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1989.
Other Libraries in Japan
GORDON, B.M.// JONES, K.W.// HANSON, A.L.// POUNDS, J.G.// RIVERS, M.L.// SPANNE, P.// SUTTON, S.R. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1989.
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CHEN, J.R.//CHAO, E.C.T.//MINKIN, J.A.//BACK, J.M.//JONES, K.W.//RIVERS, M.L.//SUTTON, S.R. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (USA))Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory)1989.
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B.M. Gordon [et al.]1989
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