Bureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning CommissionBureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning Commission1994
Other Libraries in Japan
Bureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning CommissionBureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning Commission1994
Other Libraries in Japan
Bureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning CommissionBureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning Commission1994-
Other Libraries in Japan
President's Office, Planning Commission, Bureau of Statistics1990
Other Libraries in Japan
Trade and Transport Unit, Bureau of Statistics1977-
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by Bureau of StatisticsBureau of Statistics1975
Other Libraries in Japan
Bureau of Statistics1974
Other Libraries in Japan
Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planning1972-
Other Libraries in Japan
United Republic of Tanzania, Central Statistical Bureau1972
Other Libraries in Japan
Govt. Printer1953-<DT191-T1-1>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...ba ya Takwimu. Tanzania. Ofisi ya Takwimu. Tanzania. Idara ya Takwimu.