The, Religious Tract Society国際日本文化研究センター2007-03-30日文研所蔵欧文図書所載 海外日本像集成 第1冊:1854~1870 = Images of Japan in Non-Japanese Sources: The Nichibunken Collection Vol. 1 1854-18701p.55-56
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- Author HeadingThe, Religious Tract Society
TheReligiousTractSociety Publishedbyほるぷ出版1984
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published by the Religious Tract SocietyHolp Shuppan1984
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The Religious Tract Society1851
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- Author HeadingThe Religious Tract Society
by Constantine Tischendorf ; with a narrative of the discovery of the Sinaitic manuscript ; translated and published by the Religious Tract Society in London, under an arrangement with the authorAmerican Tract Society[1866 translator's pref.]
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[The religious tract society]The Religious Tract Society[18--?]
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from the Religious Tract Society, LondonAmerican Tract Society[18--?]
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