the American Institute of ArchitectsImages2012
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authored by The American Institute of Architects, Dennis J. Hall, editor-in-chief, The Magnum Group, illustrator.John Wiley & Sons Inc.[2016]<NA137-B10>
National Diet Library
The American Institute of ArchitectsWileyc2009
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The American Institute of ArchitectsJohn Wiley & Sonsc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
The American Institute of ArchitectsImages2008
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authored by the American Institute of Architects, Dennis J. Hall, editor-in-chief, Nina M. Giglio, senior executive editor, the Magnum Group, illustrator.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.[2010]<NA137-B7>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Keith E. Hedges, editor-in-chief ; authored by the American Institute of Architects ; the Magnum Group, illustratorJohn Wiley & Sonsc2017.
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The American Institute of Architects design for aging centerImages Publishing2004
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- Note (General)"The American Institute of Architects...the Design for Aging Review...
edited by Bruce Bassler ; authored by the American Institute of Architects ; Smith Maran Architecture and Interiors, graphics editor ; with additional illustrations from the Magnum GroupJohn Wiley & Sonsc2008
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The American Institute of Architects design for aging center ; introduction by Michael J. CrosbieImages Publishing2004
Other Libraries in Japan
The American Institute of Architects design for aging centerImages Publishing2001
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authored by the American Institute of Architects ; Andrew Pressman, editor-in-chief ; Smith Maran Architecture and Interiors, graphics editor ; with additional illustrations from the Magnum GroupJohn Wileyc2007
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The American Institute of Architects PressAIA Press1994
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[the American Institute of Architects Historic Resources Commitee, Advisory Group, 1996-97 Trustees]Rockport Publishersc1997
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edited by John A. Burns and the staff of the Historic American Buildings Survey, Historic American Engineering Record, and Historic American Landscapes Survey, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior in cooperation with the American Institute of ArchitectsJohn Wiley & Sonsc2004
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[the American Institute of Architects Committee on Architecture for Education, Advisory Group, 1995-96]the AIA pressc1996
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The American Institute of Architects, Committee on Architecture for Health ; [prepared by the ... Subcommittee on Mental Health]American Institute of Architects Press1993
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by Christopher Weeks for the Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects ; with an introduction by Francis D. Lethbridge ; Alan Karchmer, photo editor and principal photographerJohns Hopkins University Pressc1994
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by the American Institute of Architects, Long Island Chapter and the Society for the Preservation of Long Island AntiquitiesDover1992
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prepared for the department of the interior by The Potomac Planning Task Force ; assembled by The American Institute of Architects ; with introduction by Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. UdallUnited States Government Printing Office1967
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- Author HeadingThe Potomac Planning Task Force The American Institute of Architects