FRIEDMAN, H.W.// ERBERT, G.V.// GAVEL, D.T.// KUKLO, T.C.// MALIK, J.G.// SALMON, J.T.// SMAULEY, D.A.// THOMPSON, G.R.// WONG, J.N. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1995.
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RUNDLE, W.J.// KARTZ, M.W.// BLISS, E.S.// ENGLISH, R.E. JR.// PETERSON, R.L.// THOMPSON, G.R.// UHLICH, D.M. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1992.
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scientific editors, D. J. Galton , G. R. ThompsonPublished for the British Council by Churchill Livingstone1990
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- Author HeadingGalton, David J. Thompson, G. R.
Gilbert Thompson, Jonathan Morrell, Peter Wilson ; foreword by Antonio M. Gotto, JrInforma Healthcare2006
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- Author HeadingThompson, G. R. (Gilbert R.) Morrell, Jonatha...
Gilbert Thompson, John Dean, Peter W.F. WilsonMartin Dunitzc2002
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- Author HeadingThompson, G. R. (Gilbert R.) Dean, John Wilso...
guest editor, Gilbert R. ThompsonExcerpta Medica1998
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- Author HeadingThompson, G. R. (Gilbert R.)
edited by G. R. Thompson and S. M. GrundyW.B. Saunders Co.1999
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- Author HeadingEuropean Society of Cardiology. Congress Thompson, G. R. (Gilbert R.) Grundy, Scott M.
G.R. Thompson著 ; [萬有製薬訳]萬有製薬1991.12
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- Author HeadingThompson, G. R. (Gilbert R.) 万有製薬 吉田, 尚 齋藤, 康