National Diet Library
- Author Heading.... Wijsen, Jef. University of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingUniversity of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. Prade, Henri M. Subrahmanian,...
Association for Computing Machinery[c2004]<M17-07-2290>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingUniversity of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. Doermann, David S. (David Sco...
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...eng, Chau-Wen. University of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. Workshop on Languages and Com...
M. Kaufmannc1992.<M17-93-0799>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...ojects Agency. University of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture ; in coorperation with NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, George Mason UniversityIEEE Computer Society Pressc1995
Other Libraries in Japan
sponsored by the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer StudiesIEEE Computer Societyc1998
Other Libraries in Japan
sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer StudiesIEEE Computer Society Pressc1996
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sponsored by the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, National Center for Automated Information Research ; in cooperation with ACM SIGART, American Association for Artificial IntelligenceAssociation for Computing Machineryc1995
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by James Hendler ; sponsored by American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer StudiesM. Kaufmannc1992
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Magdy A. Bayoumi, Larry S. Davis, Kimon P. Valavanis ; sponsored by University of Southwestern Louisiana Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)IEEE Computer Society Pressc1993
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...ed Processing. University of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...gence and Law. University of Maryland. Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. National Center for Automated...