University of Minnesota Press[1957]<SB151-4>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHarris, Dale B. University of Minnesota. Institute of Child Development and Welfare.
Marion L. Faegre, John E. Anderson, Dale B. HarrisUniversity of Minnesota Press1958
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Marion L. Faegre, John E. AndersonUniversity of Minnesota Press1947
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edited by Minnesota University, Institute of Child WelfareEducational Test Bureau[c1940]
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developed by Florence L. Goodenough, Katharine M. Maurer, M.J. Van Wagenen at the Institute of Child WelfareEducational Test Bureau, Educational Publishersc1940
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by Marion L. Faegre and John E. AndersonUniversity of Minnesota Press1930
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University of Minnesota Press
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