[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, Pushpa Bharati] ; [artworks, C. M. Vitankar]India Book House1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant Bharati, Pushpa Vitankar, C. M
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, Lopamudra] ; [artworks, C. M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant Lopamudra Vitankar, C. M
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, Subba Rao] ; [illustrations, C.M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant Rao, Subba Vitankar, C. M.
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, Kamala Chandrakant] ; [illustrations, C. M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant Chandrakant, Kamala Vitankar, C. M
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, Shakunthala Jagannathan] ; [illustrations, C. M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant Jagannathan, Shakunthala Vitankar, C. M
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [retold by Kamala Chandrakant] ; [artwork, C.M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChandrakant, Kamala Pai, Anant Vitankar, C. M.
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, T. D'Rosario] ; [artworks, C. M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant D'Rosario T Vitankar, C. M
[editor, Anant Pai] ; [script, Pradip Bhattacharya and and Meera Ugra] ; [artworks, C. M. Vitankar]India Book House[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPai, Anant Bhattacharya, Pradip Ugra, Meera Vitankar, C. M