Choi, W. K, Rotman, D. A, Wuebbles, D. J1995<LS-DE95/009474>
National Diet Library
Grossman, A. S, Wuebbles, D. J, Grant, K. E1994<LS-DE94/019017>
National Diet Library
Wuebbles, D. J, Patten, K. O, Grossman, A. S1995<LS-DE95/011442>
National Diet Library
Grossman, A, Grant, K. E, Wuebbles, D. J1995<LS-DE98/050638>
National Diet Library
Grossman, A. S, Blass, W. E, Wuebbles, D. J1995<LS-DE95/017070>
National Diet Library
Choi, W. K, Rotman, D. A, Wuebbles, D. J1995<LS-DE95/017033>
National Diet Library
Rotman, D. A, Wuebbles, D. J1994<LS-DE95/006443>
National Diet Library
Grossman, A. S, Grant, K. E, Wuebbles, D. J1994<LS-DE94/019018>
National Diet Library
Jain, A. K, Wuebbles, D. J, Kheshgi, H. S1994<LS-DE94/016363>
National Diet Library
Wuebbles, D. J, Grossman, A. S, Tamaresis, J. S, Patten, K. O, Jain, A1994<LS-DE94/019016>
National Diet Library
Hammitt, J. K, Camm, F. A, Connell, P. S, Mooz, W. E, Wolf, K, Wuebbles, D. J, Bamezai, A1988<M-RAND/R-3628-JMO/RC>
National Diet Library
CHOI, W.K.// ROTMAN, D.A.// WUEBBLES, D.J. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCHOI, W.K. ROTMAN, D.A. WUEBBLES, D.J.
WUEBBLES, D.J. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWUEBBLES, D.J.
CHOI, W.K.// ROTMAN, D.A.// WUEBBLES, D.J. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCHOI, W.K. ROTMAN, D.A. WUEBBLES, D.J.
GROSSMAN, A.S.// BLASS, W.E.// WUEBBLES, D.J. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
WUEBBLES, D.J.// PATTEN, K.O. JR.// GROSSMAN, A.S. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWUEBBLES, D.J. PATTEN, K.O. JR. GROSSMAN, A....
WUEBBLES, D.J.// BAUGHCUM, S.// METWALLY, M.// SEALS, R. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1994.
Other Libraries in Japan
JAIN, A.K.// WUEBBLES, D.J.// KHESHGI, H.S. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1994.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingJAIN, A.K. WUEBBLES, D.J. KHESHGI, H.S.
WUEBBLES, D.J.// SEALS, R.M. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWUEBBLES, D.J. SEALS, R.M.
ROTMAN, D.A.// WUEBBLES, D.J. (LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB., CA (UNITED STATES))University of California Research Laboratory(University of California Research Laboratory)1994.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingROTMAN, D.A. WUEBBLES, D.J.