sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, the Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC), West Virginia University, USA, the University of Manchester, UK ; edited by Sumitra Mitra ReddyIEEE Computer Societyc2006
co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, The Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia University ; Hosted by The Cemter for Design Research, Stanford UniversityIEEE Computer Society Pressc1998
sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, CERC at West Virginia University ; Hosted by Intelligent Engineering Systems Lab, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT ; Cooperating Organizations, IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Information Infrastructure, ACM SIGGROUPIEEE Computer Society Pressc1997
sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society in cooperation with ACM SIGOIS with support from AAAI ; hosted by CERC, West Virginia UniversityIEEE Computer Society Pressc1995
sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, The Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia University ; technical co-sponsorship by The IEEE Communications Society ; in cooperation with ACM SIGOIS ; hosted by Center for Design Research, Stanford UniversityIEEE Computer Society Pressc1996
sponsored by IEEE Computer Society with support from AAAI in cooperation with ACM SIGOIS ; hosted by the Concurrent Engineering Research Center at West Virginia UniversityIEEE Computer Society Pressc1994