William Jay Smith ; foreword by Suzanne MarrsUniversity Press of Mississippi2012
Other Libraries in Japan
by William Jay Smith, illustrated by Lynn MunsingerLittle Brown and Company1989
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWilliam Jay Smith Lynn Munsinger Smith William ...
Tennessee Williams ; edited, with an introduction, by Dan Isaac ; foreword by William Jay SmithNew Directions Booksc2004
Other Libraries in Japan
by Thorkild Bjørnvig ; translated from the Danish by Ingvar Schousboe and William Jay Smith ; with an introduction by William Jay SmithU.M.I. Books on Demand1995
Other Libraries in Japan
William Jay SmithDelacorte Pressc1966
Other Libraries in Japan
by Thorkild Bjørnvig ; translated from the Danish by Ingvar Schousboe and William Jay Smith ; with an introduction by William Jay SmithLouisiana State University Pressc1983
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by William Jay SmithPenguin Books1982, c1980
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edited, with an introduction by Emanuel Brasil and William Jay SmithWesleyan University Pressc1983
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by Harry Martinson ; with drawings by the author ; translated, and with an introduction, by William Jay Smith and Leif SjöbergBKMK Press, College of Arts and Sciences University of Missouri-Kansas Cityc1985
Other Libraries in Japan
Sándor Weöres ; edited, and with an introduction, by Miklós Vajda ; foreword by William Jay Smith ; afterword by Edwin Morgan ; drawings by Sándor Weöres ; translated from the Hungarian by Alan Dixon ... [et al.]Corvina Kiadóc1988
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edited, and with an introd., by William Jay SmithFarrar, Straus, Girouxc1978
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by Artur Lundkvist ; translated and with a preface by William Jay Smith and Leif SjöbergOhio University Press[1980], c1979
Other Libraries in Japan
edited and with an introd. by Miklós Vajda ; foreword by William Jay SmithCorvina Press1977
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compiled by Virginia Haviland, Head, Children's Literature Center, and William Jay Smith, Consultant in Poetry, 1968-70Library of Congress1979
Other Libraries in Japan
Romualdo Romano ; translated from the italian by William Jay SmithFarrar, Straus and Young1951
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRomano, Romualdo William Jay Smith
selected by William Jay Smith ; drawings by Elaine Raphael ; calligraphy by Don BologneseCrowellc1972
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by William Jay Smith ; drawings by Robert DunnAlbondocani Press1970, c1965
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Lennart Hellsing ; freely adapted from the Swedish by William Jay Smith ; illustrated by Poul StröyerE. Bennc1972
Other Libraries in Japan
by William Jay Smith ; designed and illustrated by Ivan ChermayeffLittle, Brownc1964
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by Louise Bogan and William Jay Smith ; woodcuts by Fritz KredelHenry Regneryc1965
Other Libraries in Japan