published by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies ; edited by Anne Aarssen & Eline van der Veken ; with the assistance of Bjorn Lichtenberg, Evgeniia Osmova, Nina van der Vlugt, Andrew Wigman & Jiang Wu ; advisory board, Willem Adelaar ... [et al.]Brill2024
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading...Wigman, Andrew Wu, Jiang (Linguist)
published by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies ; edited by Anne Aarssen, René Genis & Eline van der Veken ; with the assistance of Evgeniia Osmova, Nina van der Vlugt & Jiang Wu ; advisory board, Willem Adelaar ... [et al.]Brill2023
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading..., Nina van der Wu, Jiang (Linguist) Adelaar, Willem F. H.